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One of those stories that one find hard to believe could happen to anyone, but it is true and occur in the UK, in the city of Nottingham, East Midland.
Apparently, and according to a media report, a Muslim taxi driver picked up a mental health nurse following her night out in Nottingham. She got into the taxi and once inside she began to have a go at the driver about the treatment of Islamic woman.
The 57-year-old Mental Health Nurse, in what was, suggested as a drunken stupor grabbed the taxi driver by the collar ripping off the buttons on his shirt and proceeded to punched him around the neck, head, and upper body. Â Then she continued to attack the Islamic faith verbally.
She was arrested, following the incident which occurred June 10, 2015.  Having pleaded guilty to religiously aggravated common assault, the Mental Health Nurse claimed she was so drunk that she only have a vague memory of the argument but no memory of her behaviour.
The courts gave her a community order, curfew for ten weeks, order to pay compensation, and criminal court charges.  Furthermore, the NMC found her fitness to practice as a nurse was impaired and impose a six-month ban.  But, she decided to retire and no longer work for Nottinghamshire Healthcare.
One of the problems that minority have in the UK is the first question that a White person will ask Black individuals is ‘where do you come from,’ anyone of Indian or Arab feature will be asked ‘are you a Muslim.’
White people in the UK especially the older generation do not seem to be able to get their heads around the fact hundreds of Blacks are British Born, and every Indian or Arab looking person is not a Muslim or practices the religion.
These types of incidents will occur until individuals stop living in the dark ages and respect each other irrespective, of colour, creed sexual orientation and religious beliefs.