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It is a known fact that being overweight is not good for the body; obesity leads to a lot of different medical problem, and scientist has been warning individuals with a weight problem, for a long time.
According to media, report researcher has once again linked eight other forms of cancer to being overweight. Apparently, excess body fat could cause a rise in middle age adults developing liver, pancreas, gall bladder, stomach, thyroid, blood and a kind of brain tumour.
There are further comments that half of women and two-thirds men in the UK are either obese or overweight, The head of the World Cancer Research believes that 25,000 cancer cases are preventable in the UK if we maintain a healthy weight.
Being overweight is not something that I think people subscribe to, and there are many reasons that many people become obese. Of course, these scientific research or excellent to give the population a guideline.
However, in my opinion, society needs also to tackle the symptoms that cause many to become overweight and for me, stress is the biggest problem. From experience when you are stressed out to me I will comfort eat and piling on weight and not even notice what is going on until realisation sets in.
I know how difficult it is lo lose weight when you feel like you are carrying the world on your shoulders. So while I welcome the report, and it will help me to form a different opinion about my health, the underlining symptoms needs to be studied.