Parents turned in son to the police for raping a woman

My Opinion

Doctors Are Not God And They Should Know That

heart broken parents

Stories like these are few and far between. In our world, and in my opinion, most parents ignored the wrong-doing of their children, in fact, some go to great lengths to cover-up their children vile behaviour.

According to a media report, a 17-year old, who cannot be named, is on trial for rape and attempted murder. He dragged a woman into an undergrowth, attack and raped her leaving the victim with severe head injuries.

The article suggested that he admitted to two counts of rape, GBH, stealing from the victim, but denies trying to murder her.

Apparently, following the attack and press appeal his parents handed him to the police. DNA matches him to the crime, had the victim not being found by, a cyclist she could have died from the injuries she sustained.

A horrific and life-threatening circumstance, in my opinion, this woman experience and this crime could have taken months to solve had it not been for the dignity, integrity and doing the right thing.

It must have been heart-rending knowing your child can commit such a brutal crime, but even more harrowing knowing you had an obligation to turn him over to the police.

I can only commend and support these parents, in taking such a difficult decision to enable justice for the victim. We, as a society needs to learn from this and stop covering up our children’s criminal behaviour.