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Sometimes when you look at your surroundings and what is happening one could feel like they are back in one of the century when torture was commonplace and primarily carried out on the poorest.
According to a media reports, the Metropolitan police is to introduce a device called a ‘spit hood’ in their 32 custody unit, as part of a pilot scheme that will begin in October.
What is a ‘spit hood’? Apparently, this is a device which, is placed over the face and head which prevent a suspect from spitting on police officers.
But, Human Rights Campaign Organisation, Liberty called the device cruel, degrading and primitive, and a tool that will inspire anguish and fear. They argued the fact that police already has the power to handcuff, arm restraints, leg restraints, batons and pepper spray, so why do they need the use of ‘spit hoods.’
However, the Police Federation who backed the use of this gadget stated that the splitting leaves its officers at risk of contracting hepatitis.
In my opinion, these apparatus are brought into use because suspects are spitting on police and no one, irrespective of who you are, no one appreciates been spat at or on. Of course, the methods may be draconian, but who do you blame for the service employing this contraption.
There are also going to be an abuse of any systems that is put into place to control individuals; the media carries a report that states an investigation, has been launched into a recent video footage that depicts a young black man pinned to the floor and a spit hood placed over his head.
It would be remiss of me not to believe that this contraption is going to be used primarily against a minority group, and Black young men are at the top of the list. I am not suggesting that the police will not use the device against White young, in my experience, they view young black men as much more aggressive when they, are arrested.
Therefore, it stands to reasons that the device will be used more on that group. But only time will confirm or deny that assumption.