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According to a media report, researchers in Denmark have identified that taking ibuprofen severely increases the user’s risk of having a heart attack, which is a startling revelation.
Ibuprofen can be purchased over the counter in the UK and currently, one does not have nor require a prescription to either acquire are use this drug.  However, according to the same media report, there are other medicines from the painkillers family known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that present equal dangers to users.
Apparently, this includes diclofenac, which the article claims raise the risk of heart attack by 50%, but since 2015 diclofenac is no longer available over the counter in the UK.
The gist of the article is that these researchers in Denmark are very concerned that allowing the public to be able to purchase NSAIDs without a prescription is tantamount to telling the public that these drugs are safe when in fact it is the opposite.
Do I agree with the findings of the research, from a layperson point of view it is rather difficult, to agree or disagree with the findings? However, in my opinion, we have to weigh up the pros and cons and decide for ourselves what is best for us as consumers. Â The fact that we are given the information should at the least make us more alert as to what we put into our bodies.
Human beings do not like pain and whenever one feels pain the natural instincts is to alleviate it in any way possible, so if we are told that some of the medication that we use to rid our self of pain can cause other severe problems then we have to find other alternatives to explore that will give us the options to control our pain but ones that are not detrimental to another organ in our bodies.
Why not read the article for yourself http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/health/ibuprofen-increases-risk-of-heart-attack-claims-study-1-7866825