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Unbelievable, someone can go about stabbing someone for fun. According to a media report, 18-year-old teenagers plead guilty to wounding with intent and admit to having a hunting knife in his possession.
The incidents which trigger this occurs during a Hyde Park water fight on the 19 July. It erupted in violence when the teenager stabbed two men,
Further, report, suggest that the judge was appalled that a teenager who was convicted, of battery, robbery, possession with intent to supply drugs was allowed to plead to wounding with intent when he actually should have been facing trial for attempted murder.
I agree with the judge it is unbelievable that the prosecution would choose to go down that road. Clearly, the perpetrator should have face charges of attempted murder. Of course, like the judge, I believe not only does the family require an explanation but the pupil deserve one.
It is disgraceful and decisions like that in my opinion, are one of the reasons why young people believe they can go around stabbing others. I am furious, with the ruling of the prosecution given so many young people lost their life to knife crime.
Society, need to send a message young people that anti-social behaviour won’t be allowed and especially young people who are what in my opinion are a career criminal.
The sentence that they get should reflect the crime and the prosecution should not dilute the charges.