Are you kidding me? Do this world, and its judicial system has gone entirely bonkers?
According to a media article, a man now 21-years old that pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 13-year old girl in Alberta Canada when he was 18, has his sentence delayed so that he can finish university.
Something is fundamentally wrong with any justice system that believes that sentence, by the courts, is appropriate for someone who abuses a child. The message the courts are sending out to potential perpetrators is committing sexual abuse of a minor and, if you are in university, we will delay your prison term while you finish your studies.
From reading the article, I get the feeling that this man is a manipulator, threaten a 13-year old that if she did not keep quiet and the abuse secret he would send her nude picture to her family, and the courts rewarded him by allowing this person to finish university.
It is a ridiculous and shameful display of callousness and inhumane act by a court that is supposed to protect the innocent and punish the guilty.