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Germany is in mourning tonight following the deaths of nine people and twenty critically ill at a shopping centre.
I cannot understand the mentality of these people who always seem to want to bring chaos and terror to other. In 2013 an attack on Westgate Shopping Centre, Nairobi leave sixty-seven people dead and more than 175 wounded.
Recently four dead and five wounded when gunmen open fire in a Tel Aviv shopping Mall.
In my opinion, I believe that the reasons that these individuals go on shooting spree in a shopping centre because they are an easy target. They know that the number of people that go shopping in malls is huge.
Targeting innocent people like this is diabolical, what statement are they trying to make, we know that we vulnerable, but it is hard to perceive that you cannot take your family to a shopping centre without having to scramble for your life.
As a society, we cannot allow the individuals that bring terror to our cities to ever win this battle. There is no way that we can allow these people to cause us to shut ourselves in our home scared to out because of the fear of being murder by unscrupulous people.
My prayers go out to the families of those who lost their lives and the others that are fighting for theirs. The only comfort that we will have is when these cowards are caught and brought to justice.