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It would be incredibly naive of anyone to believe the ‘old boy’ never is not still alive and kicking. Â You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch your’s is as old as our planet, and there is no indication that it will ever go away.
If ever there is proof of this network just look at David Cameron’s honour list nominee. Â The perception of the honours list was supposed to be about people who have contributed effectively, such as personal bravery, achievement in the UK or overseas territories, and other goodwill acts.
When a politician makes a mockery out of a system that was designed really to appreciate the act of an individual or group, then it leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of the electorate.
What contribution could an hairstylist give to the country to warrant an honour, if that is the case why not give every person in the industry an MBE.
I have to agree with the media report and in particular Sir Alistair comments. Â As a member of the electorate I believe that is a gross misuse of the honour system and in my opinion, the Prime Minister needs to step in here otherwise it will look as if she agrees with this ridiculous behaviour by the former Prime Minister. Â
Just when you think that politicians cannot do anything to shock you, out of the bag comes something like this and one’s faith in politics takes a turn for the worst.  Are politicians aware of how they are perceived by the general public, I do not think they do otherwise they would not make these stupid mistakes? So it is either that or they just do not care about the public opinion until an election – unbelievable.