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In my opinion, everyone knows that Donald Trump brains and his mouth do not seem to work in tandem, anything new.
Here we have an individual who wants to become the most influential person in the world and diplomacy is not a part of his personality and those around him surely they know that.
According to the media, his comments regarding the Khan family is so outrageous that even Republicans condemn the remarks. Â This lady loses her son fighting in the US army, and anyone who is a parent knows how devastating the loss of a child can be. Â So if she did not want to speak at the convention she has every right not to do so.
I would wholeheartedly agree with Mrs. Khan that Donald Trump is ignorant about the Islamic faith and knowing what sacrifice means.
The American people need to ensure that he does not become President because it would be a disaster not just for the US but the world. Â The qualification for holding that office, in my opinion, is integrity, dignity, humanity and above all compassion. Â Does Donald Trump have all or any of that criteria, well from the gaffes and blunders that are attributed to him I would have to reserve my opinion on that score?