Donald Trump should pay more attention to the fact that gun legislation in the US cause the country to have, much single mass shooting of its citizens than any other country in the civilised world.
The President’s comments posted online that the UK 13 percent rise in crime is due to ‘radical Islamic terror’, is a load of baloney and UK citizens would appreciate it if Donald Trump does not make idiotic comments about our country. He should pay attention to the problems in the US, which makes America the laughing stock of the world.
In the UK we accept that there is a rise in crime and they stemmed mainly from a knife and sexual offence. If he wants to bolster his case for strict immigration law in the US, we would appreciate it if he does not use the rise in UK crime or his Islamophobia to implement ridiculous immigration policy.
Unbelievable, that the President, believes it is warranted, to spread irresponsible fear. We deal with our problems and do not allow any individual or groups to dictate security policies. So on behalf of my fellow Brits, stop making a stupid comment about things you cannot substantiate.