There is no doubt in our mind that the Devil’s job is to cause, disruption in our lives. He is there to ensure that poverty, destitution, greed, crime and criminal behaviour run rife throughout our everyday existence and the only way to defeat this demon is to we put God into the mix every day.
It is very important that we understand that our strength comes not from shutting God out of our lives, but ensuring that he is the focus of everything that we do, we need to give him praise for the small blessings that we receive each day. Regardless of what it may be, it could be a smile from a child, a walk in the park, a friend calling on you these are essential aspects of praising God.
The book of Isaiah 58:11 And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.
The Devil is wide awake in our society, he is making sure that our lives are as miserable as he can make it and his only reason for doing so is to make us turn away from God grace, and when we do he wins. Every one of us was, given a talent by God and how we use it and spread it around within our society is essential, and we cannot allow the Devil to fool us into believing that we have to be selfish with our God-given talent.
Irrespective of what we believe God does exist and faith is the way he shows us his power if we choose to ignore the signs that point to God then when we face problems the Devil uses them to seep into our lives and destroy us.
I need no evidence or proof that God exists; he works miracles in my life every day. I glorify his greatness and, I keep my faith steadfast regardless of how many obstacles the Devil throws in my path. Because of that, I am able to say ‘get thee behind me Satan’ knowing that God has my back, I lean on his strong shoulder, and when I need miracles in my life, he provides them without fail.
Let us take back our lives, let us give them over to the Almighty God, let our prayers be our strength and show the Devil that regardless of how rampant he may be in our communities, there is a higher power that he cannot defeat and God will destroy all his negative and evil ways.
We have to remember that with God in the vessel we can all smile at the storm, so no matter what your troubles are today, kneel before God and pray to him to take them away from you. And, importantly, you must believe that God will get rid of your troubles then you see how awesome the power of God is. Glory be to the father, ‘let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh God my strength and my redeemer’.