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Today’s Rant is my motivation for a story is the media reporting about a 28-year-old mother who took her life shortly after her kids were taken from her care. Her desperation was such that she said her farewell via social media.
This article got me, so concern that I decided to undertake some research into the problem and what I found was quite alarming. Apparently one in seven kills themselves during pregnancy or up to a year after birth. I wondered whether these young people were suffering from postnatal depression.
I had severe postnatal depression after the birth of my fourth child, it was so intense, and the depressive part of the illness causes me to think of so many ways in which I could get rid of the feeling and suicide was one option.
However, I was incredibly lucky I had people who recognise the problem and was able to get the help. Having three other children, I never did have postnatal depression after their birth; I never knew what triggers the problem after my fourth.
Being a parent is one of the most joyous things, but many issues come with parenting and not all of them positive and with the negative aspect we need to have a strong support system to help.
In my opinion, there needs to be a record somewhere for the children of people who commit suicide; these kids need to know that they are not to blame for mommy not being around. I fear for the future of these children if not aware that they are not to blame.
They need to know that there are many factors such as postnatal depression, mental health issues, and many other problems. I also agree with the people who said the health authority need to recognise when these young people are experiencing the problem and give them the help they need before it is too late.  There must be many identifiable symptoms as I do not believe that they just up and commit suicide.