A Gunman open fire on festival goers killing 50 and leaving 400 injured.

My Opinion

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Here we go again, and the band marches on as yet another 50 people lost their lives in a mass shooting, and 400 left injured.

According to a media report, the deadliest mass shooting in US history occurs in Las Vegas, leaving 50 dead and scores injured, and we are yet to determine why.

Apparently, the gunman perched on the 32nd floor of a hotel, where he opened fire on the concert-goer, at the Route 91 Harvest festival.

Further media report suggests that ISIS claimed responsibility for the shooting, stating that the man responsible converted to Islam a few months ago.

Following SWAT team intervention it is alleged that the gunman killed himself at the scene. He had ten guns on him, and it is, believed he had been staying at the hotel since September 28.

In my opinion, these incidents always seem to trigger the question as to why a supposedly rational person would decide to acquire a gun and then choose to fire in a large crowd of people killing so many and wounding even more.

Unfortunately, the authority will only offer speculation as to the reason for this massacre, because the one person who could shed light on this has taken his life, and at 64, the Las Vegas shooter left many questions, but little answers.

In my opinion, now is the time for the US to reform its gun laws seriously. Too many people lost their lives already, over the years the number of mass shooting ridiculous when one looks at the stats of people that die in mass shooting, it is somewhat frightening.

For example, July 1984 California McDonald – 21 killed
October 1991 – Texas canteen – 23 killed
April 2007 – Virgina tech 32 killed, December 2012 Sandy Hook 27 killed, June 2016 Pulse nightclub 49 – killed, October 2017 Las Vegas – 50 killed