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According to a media report, a 23-year old Conservative Aide arrested following an allegation of rape, that apparently, occurred in the Houses of Parliament.
It would appear, from the media report that the incident happens following a drinking session in one of the bars within the Palace of Westminster.
There are no details concerning who the alleged rape victim is, but from the information in the news; it would seem that after the parties had a heavy drinking session in the taxpayer-subsidised bar, the accused took the female to an MP’s office.
There is an on-going investigation by the Detectives from the Metropolitan Sexual offences command.
In my opinion, and I am not condoning rape in any way, but too many times I have witness females consumed so much alcohol they become incapable of making any decision that protects their safety.
Although, there is no information to say that the woman was intoxicated, the media reports that sources tell them that a group of Conservative adviser and females guest drink all night and some were very drunk.
I cannot understand why anyone, be it male or female would wish to consume so much alcohol that impaired their logic and left them vulnerable of being abused.
Personally, I detest anyone who violates another and this individual if proven guilty of the crime he allegedly commits, ruin his career, life and will no doubt go to prison. Â If he his found not guilty the stigma of been accused of rape he will wear forever, once a bell rings you cannot unring it. Why would anyone want to flush their life down the toilet?
Irrespective of the fact that at eighteen, you are allowed to legally purchase and consume alcohol doesn’t mean you have to drink yourself into an idiotic fool.  An excessive amount of alcohol consumption is not beneficial, all it does is cause one to make ineffective and counter-productive decisions. People needs to learn that or face the consequences of their alcoholic fuel decisions.