A 47-year old Conservative small business minister tendered his resignation when information about his sexual conduct was, revealed.
According to a media report, the minister was, caught out when texts of a sexual nature that he sent to a 28-year old barmaid in his constituent was made public by a Sunday newspaper.
I cannot understand why some politicians especially married ones seemed to be able to disrespect their marriage vows and cause such disgrace and shame on their family.
It beggar belief to realise that the people we elect to serve our communities are using their time texting crap with women who are not their wives. Those kinds of MP demonstrate their inability to display morals and integrity.
Of course, we are human beings and susceptible to making mistakes. However, we expect the individuals who put forward themselves to represent our community and country have the highest principles, uncompromised integrity and an unbreakable moral compass.
The media article also suggested that this young lady met the MP online. She claimed that all he wanted from the get-go is to talk sex and she thought he was a nice guy but he, made her feel dirty. Utter crap, I do not believe one single word that comes out of her mouth.
I am offended when these people in public life believe that once they are caught acting stupid and irresponsible, they can apologise and make everything right. Wrong, you have left your family, political party and yourself down publicly and he should not only resign from the party but step down from his constituency seat, he has lost the right to represent that community.