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Here we go another unarmed individual shot again and killed by a police officer and this time, it is a person with severe disability, I would like to know what excuse he is going to present to any inquiry.
According to a media report, a State Trooper pulled over a disable driver who they say was speeding in North Carolina and apparently, they have a brief encounter when the State Trooper pulled out his gun and shot the man he died on the spot.
An incident like this which seems to occur very frequent in the US is the reasons why the citizens of the UK do not want to see their beat officers carrying firearms. Â We do not oppose to an armed unit within the police service; that will respond to incidents where guns are involved but never to see our police officers wearing guns. Â We are not at the ok Carroll.
In my opinion, I believe that the fact that every police officer in the US carry guns is the reasons they have so many unnecessary killing of innocent or unarmed civilians because it would seem it is shot first and asked questions later.
Unfortunately, in countries where police are armed, it is too late for those countries. In the United Kingdom, we will continue to oppose police service become an armed police force because we are only too aware of what going down that path can lead to like places like the US are an example of the negativity of having an armed police force.