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Living in one of the G7 countries as blinded me to the fact that majority of the world is at war. Although we hear news of civil conflict, wars, terrorism and atrocities, I did not comprehend how much wars there are on our planet.
Apparently, there are only a few countries that are entirely peaceful; they are Switzerland, Japan, Qatar, Mauritius, Uruguay, Chile, Botswana, Costa Rica, Vietnam, Panama, and Brazil.
The majority of Asia have some conflict, from Afganistan, Syria, Iraq, Northwest Pakistan, Yemeni, to name a few. Then in Africa, there is Somalia, Libya, Sinai, the list goes on.
The number of people that have died in the Syria conflict amounts to 73,447, Afghan 10,172, Iraq 9,742 and Sudan 6,816, unbelievable. It is no wonder that so many people are fleeing Asia and Africa.
If these conflicts continue how will the world cope with so many displaced men, women, and children. We cannot put blinkers over our eyes. Eventually, European countries are going to say no to those fleeing the war zone.
I am surprised because I was unaware of the severity of the problem and I have to believe that the majority of ordinary people do not know what is going on in our warring world.
In respect of the information we need to be a little tolerant of those people that are running, I accept that we cannot accommodate everyone, but we have to be sympathetic to their plight.
I hope that our politician finds solutions to this problem before it is too late.