According to a media report, Donald Trump. has unveiled his so-called proposal for controlling guns. One of which will be a ban on under 21 buying guns.
Apparently, following the Florida School shooting where 17 students and teachers lost their lives, the President took to Twitter to unveiled his plans. He reiterated his pledge to enhance background checks and the banning of ‘bump stock’.
Bump stock is a process where an individual can convert an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle into a fully automatic machine gun.
Donald Trump may be attempting gun controls, and who can purchase them. Although in my opinion, it is not nearly enough some could perceive it as moving in the right direction.
On the other hand, the NRA wants to arm teachers, putting more guns in the hands of citizens. The National Rifle Association, in my opinion, do not care about the number of people who are losing their lives. Trying to turn teachers into gun touting individuals instead of doing the job they are supposed to do, educating their student, is typical of an organisation that put profit before people.
The thought that another 17 people are dead and all the Head of the NRA can come up with his that ‘Democrats and the media are trying to take away individual freedom’. That is the most outrageous and diabolical comment in the face of those who lost their lives to a gun massacre.
But, I do not expect anything else from individuals or organisations that do not take responsibility for their actions. They tend to blame everyone else for their failures, a demonstration of their selfish, greedy and inhumane attitude.