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Ex-footballer, Paul Gascoigne plead guilty to racial public order offence made towards a Black security guard, during an evening with Gazza show, in Wolverhampton.
Gascoigne was fined £1000 and ordered to pay the security guard £1000 in compensation. The 49-year-old former footballer seems to have some controversy around him constantly.
He, according to the media battled alcoholism for years, in 2015 Gascoigne admitted harassing his ex-girlfriend and assaulting a photographer.
Here, we have an individual who as a footballer played for Tottenham, Newcastle United, and Everton, respected as one of the most talented footballers of his era.
I cannot understand what kind of demons he was fighting to take him down from the pedestal he was on. He had the world at his feet respected all over by literally everyone who saw him display as skills as a footballer.
To get to a point in his life, dragging himself so far that he made racist slurs and causing the judge in his trial to make the comment that challenged should be made to that sort of insidious racism. – Unbelievable
I find it difficult to feel remorse for individuals like Gascoigne, even though as a human being he his fallible and not above having to conquer demons. But not many people are given the opportunities he had to be a role model, instead turned out to be nothing more than a negative influence in society.