Former Finance Manager stole £62,000 of Grenfell Tower money

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It has been, reported in the media that a former finance manager for Kensington and Chelsea council admitted stealing £62,000 from the Grenfell Tower victims fund.

A 39-year old woman who was, employed in a position of trust defrauded the victim’s fund so she could take holidays to Dubai, Los Angeles and gamble online.

The victims of the 72 people who died as a result of the Grenfell Tower fire on 14 June 2017, must be outrage at the callousness and greed of this woman.

When will individuals realise that your integrity and dignity is worth more than money? Society bombarded us with how important money is, and because of that, there are those who compromise their dignity to afford what they believe money can buy them.

Of course, in a capitalist society, the emphasis is on how much money one has and methods employed to get more. So, this finance manager who was, placed in a position of trust allowed her greed and the need for what she assumed is the more excellent things in life, to get the better of her.

Having stolen the Grenfell Tower Victim funds, her greed and stupidity cause her face to be, plastered in the media and is, described as a ‘serial fraudster’ and question raised about pass places she worked before.

The survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire most likely could not afford a vacation and the funds set up to help them come to terms with the disaster was, stolen by an individual that should have known better.

In my opinion, she preyed on the vulnerability of victims of a terrible fire so she could facilitate an idiotic lifestyle and, for that she should go to prison for ten years.