Four MP’s quit over the government fair, equal society

Poverty and government

I have always believed that it was, pure bull when the PM says that she intends to make the UK fairer for all, especially for the poor, and it seems that four MP’s agreed with my point of view.

According to a media report, four MP’s responsible for working towards a fairer Britain have quit over claims the government is failing to create an equal society.

The report alleges that Theresa May’s Social Mobility Commission said there was little hope that the current government had the capability of making changes to facilitate a fairer place to leave for society most impoverished.

These resignations are another blow to an already failing PM, who seems to be unable to do anything right. It appears that the government is a sinking ship and MP’s are bailing out before it completely submerged.

Mrs May must be disappointed not only with the resignations from this Social Mobility Committee, but the former head criticised the process suggesting that the government does not have the necessary resources to heal social division and their vision does not match with reality.

What scares me is the fact that as suggested social injustice could lead to the rise of far-right and extremism and the fact the recently got a boost from a high profile individuals that have pushed the ideology of a right-wing group, the government must act swiftly to deal with poverty.