Muslims angry, police enter Mosque without taking off their shoes

My Opinion

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A media report, alleges that Muslims at a Townfield Mosque in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire were extremely angry when police entered the mosque without removing their shoes.

Apparently, the police were, called following a disagreement outside the building. The cops walk into the mosque without removing their shoes, and this goes against Islamic practice.

Should the police observe the religious beliefs of others in the course of doing their duties? In my opinion, yes they should. Spiritual practices are fundamental to worshippers, and they should be respected. Unless there is a clear and, present danger to an individual or a group, where action overrides religious practice.

What I deduced from the article is that there was no danger to anyone inside the mosque and therefore, the police officers in the spirit of the community could have spent the few minutes to remove their shoes.

We may not like the religious practices of fellow human beings, but we have an obligation not to trample all over them as was done by, in my opinion, over-zealous police officers.