Praying For Gratitude And Humbleness


2.4 Million for Mosques, Churches, Synagogues

According to a media report, the government will be establishing a 2.4 million pound new funds for security measures to protect Mosques, Churches, Synagogues, in the wake of increase racially motivate crimes following Brexit. People who […]

Gratitude 794172319209

Mighty God, I hope that you give us the ability to give to those the same kindness they have provided to us.

I am grateful for all of your blessings in my life, Lord. I pray that you always remind me of how lucky I am and that you never allow me to forget to show my gratitude in prayer and returned kindness to my fellow man.

Everlasting Father, thank you, for the blessings you have bestowed in our life. You have provided us with more than we could ever have imagined. You have surrounded us with people who always there to lend a helping hand. You have given family and friends who bless me every day with kind words and actions. They lift me in ways that keep my eyes focused on you and make my spirit soar.

Most precious God thank you, for keeping us safe. You protect us from those things that seem to haunt others. You help us to make better choices and decisions. You have provided me with people that help me with difficult decisions. You speak to us in so many ways so that we always know you are here.

Mighty God, let us humble ourselves before You, for You are the great I AM, the Alpha and the Omega, the truth and life, the beginning and the end, there shall be no other God but You.

You are all we need, and we will boast of Your glory and how You came and saved us. Before you, we will bow, for You alone deserve all the praise and all the glory. In the mighty name of Jesus, we are set free of the pride-filled chains that bind some of your people Amen.