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According to a media report, a 26-year-old primary school teacher who dealt cocaine was sentenced, to 17 years in prison.
Apparently, both she and her 32-year-old husband earnest in their drug dealings that a Skorpion machine pistol was found, in her underwear draw. This Czech-made military weapon is capable of firing more than 850 rounds per minute. He was sentenced to 18 years.
I cannot begin to wrap my head around the reality that an individual that is tasked to educate the next generation of our children believe, that it is acceptable to teach primary age children during the day and trade drugs at nights.
Is it greed and the lure of money why some people compromise their integrity, I cannot understand, it takes a caring person to become a teacher that is a nurturing profession. So why would you then turn to dealing drugs, to individuals that you are aware that it is going to affect in a negative way? I cannot understand the logic of some people.
Quite frankly, the Judge in this case is an indivudal after my own thoughts, the sentenced handed down to both party is, in my opinion, what they both deeserve. I hope they will use the time to question how stupid and idiotic they have been and was ruin their lives worth the price.