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The vast majority of parents, in my opinion, cannot wait to become grandparents. To be able to regale your grandchildren with historical events, nurture them, and give them unconditional love and support.
But, according to a media source, not all grandparent see it that way and one grandmother takes pettiness to a new low.
Following her granddaughter staying with her, she sent her daughter an invoice for $475.50, even though her daughter had sent a cheque with her granddaughter for $300. She believes the $300 was insufficient to cover her granddaughter needs.
To demonstrate the pettiness of this grandmother, she stayed with her daughter for 4 months and did not pay her daughter for any of the expense she incurs, they even sent her on a vacation that her daughter paid for.
In my opinion, she demonstrates the worse that some grandparent has to offer and she most likely will regret treating her daughter and granddaughter in such a disgraceful and shameful way and she really needs to understand the concept of being a grandparent.