According to media sources, Trump’s former campaign manager has been, indicted. The campaign manager along with his business associates was told to give themselves up to federal authorities on Monday morning.
Apparently, the former campaign manager has been, charged with 12 counts of which conspiracy against the US is one charge.
The media report, alleges that US intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia interfered with the election to benefit Trump. This prompt Special Counsel and Congress to be looking into the allegations between Russia and Trump associates.
If these allegations are proven, then the American people did not vote for Donald Trump to be their President and our democratic process has been compromised in the most spectacular and counterproductive manner.
In my opinion, there is a dark shadow hanging over the United States of America and its President. The public demands to know the truth about Russia’s involvement in the US election. How was this achieve, and how we prevent any foreign power from hijacking our democracy for their selfish and financial gains.
The indictments could also prove that Russia did not do anything wrong and Trump won the election fair and square, either way, we need to know.