Why deny Legal Aid to a Mother


Christianity versus Same-Sex Marriage what will the impact on society be?

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worried couple concerned about being good parentsThe heartlessness of an organisation particular people in a position that make decisions that affect millions of people lives?

I happen to come across an article which suggests that thousand of people are sending a petition to the government calling for a mother of a child that was accidentally killed by a fallen tree in a public park to be given legal aid to fight the case.

According to the article, the mother of the dead child is not able to afford the cost of a Barrister nor can represent herself.  Having to lose her child in what of course is an accident, it is insulting to the family that legal aid inform her that they turn her case down because it is not in the public interest.

But, here is the kicker Tower Hamlet who is responsible for the park in which the accident occur will be legal represent and it is the taxpayer that will foot the bill.

This is how you recognise that those that are in affluent position will always prosper and if you are in poverty them it is almost impossible to get justice. How can an organisation be so heartless?  It is still commendable that there are still real people in our society that are willing to put themselves out to try and help other and the fact that thousands of individuals are ready to sign this petition to get the family the assistance they need still give us hope for the world that is gone crazy.

Here we have a family who has no means fo defending the death of their child, yet the media have no compunction in reporting that David Cameron will be moving into a 17million pound home.  Was it necessary for the pubic to know where the Ex-Prime Minister is living? Regardless of the fact that he his a politician there is certain aspect of their lives that should remain private.  He his a parent and have the right to protect his family just the same as any member of the public.