My Opinion

Slavery happens just like the Holocaust

The fact that educational institutions do not want teachers to talk or so-called rant about slavery, will not make it go away neither the atrocities of the Holocaust. It is time that society not only […]

My Opinion

There is a ghost behind the boy in the tree

Human beings throughout the centuries have reported the sightings of ghosts. Some experience hauntings where there is no logical explanation. However, there are those who still doubt the existence of ghosts, spirit, spectre or demons. […]

My Opinion

Is it feasible for ghosts be trapped inside a doll

Well according to a media article a 21-year old man became the owner of a doll wearing Victorian clothing, he believes there are ghosts trapped inside the dolly. Previous owners have come across unexplained occurrences. […]

My Opinion

How many more Teachers and Students must die

Unbelievable, that yet another ten innocent people lost their lives and, ten more suffered injuries following another school shooting. How many more students and teachers must die before the United States idiotic government do something […]